The life cycle of a check begins when the drawer writes a check and delivers it to the pages. In case the lace of issue is missing in a cheque, the business premises, domicile or habitual residence of the drawer is the place of issue. 支票的有效周期始于出票人开好支票,交给受款人之际。支票上未记载出票地的,出票人的营业场所、所或者经常居住地为出票地。
Maybe my wallet is in this room. Let's check in that drawer. 也许我的钱包在这个房间里,那个抽屉找找看吧。
Check out the open drawer. 查一下那打开的抽屉。
In case of withholding a forged check in the process of the operation of the electronic check, the bank can choose either the faker or the drawer to exercise its power. 电子支票运作过程中截留伪造支票时,可在支票委托人和发票人之间任择其一行使权利。